Saturday, December 23

Off to the Doctor

Good Morning, we're off to the doctor, this time it's for Aksel. I think he may have an ear infection. He was up all night (along with Anya but that's not unusual) with a very high fever and crying. That is not typical of Aksel, he's our good sleeper :) I want to have him checked before everyone leaves for X-Mas. While I'm there I will have Anya checked too, she's bound to get whatever he has. He's had a really bad diaper rash as well, diapers creams do not work! All three have been very sick this week with colds. We could have three cranky kids for X-Mas, oh what a treat :) At least the power of gift opening will get Anders in a good mood. Hope everyone has a healthy and Merry Christmas. In the hustle and bustle of Christmas please remember what a blessing it is to be with loved ones.

Happy Holidays!

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