Wednesday, January 10

A good nights sleep

Anya slept great last night until 7:15 this am. This has got to be the first time in a few weeks she's slept past 3am. She's been doing okay this morning. She spent about 10-15 minutes in her Johny-Jump-Up doing some head control exercises. Now she is sleeping in her swing. She's been coughing a bit, almost threatening to throw-up but so far so good.

Side note; We really want to thank EVERYONE for all their guest-book entries viewable by all and countless emails we've received from family members, old friends, new friends and caring strangers. For those of you who have sent emails, I apologize if we haven't responded yet. As I'm sure you can imagine, we don't get a lot of time to sit down, and those times that we do get, lately we've just wanted to 'veg-out', not think and recover. But please know we receive and greatly appreciate all the kind, thoughtful words of encouragement and your prayers. (I actually get them on my cell phone right when you send them) They bring joy to our life. We love you all. Thank you. P&K

And now she's puking..... here we go...

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