Wednesday, January 3

Anya stopped throwing up

Late last night Anya finally managed to keep some food down. I was getting very worried she would become dehydrated. Today she is very hungry, she can barely make it 3 hours between feeds. We had acupuncture today and PT work. She worked hard during her PT session, good girl. Hopefully she will have a good nights sleep tonight, I think she could really use some. She gets very wiped out after vomiting all day.

Yesterday was a very rough day for me, just thinking of this aweful disorder that is ruining my baby girls life. Just seems so unfair. Anders knew I was having a bad day and seemed very sad at the end of the day. When I tucked him in last night, I asked what was on his mind, he said... the world and our family. I knew he was thinking about Anya. This morning he said, do you know why I was sad last night? He said, I want Anya and you to be happy and healthy and for me to be sick instead...................... It breaks my heart. I love my children so much and appreciate everything God has given me. I am a lucky mom to have three wonderful kids.

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