Tuesday, January 6

1/6 Sick again

Well I thought Anya would have been done puking for a couple days and that I would have been safe sleeping in my own bed, but nope..  We woke up this morning to find Anya covered in her mucus and vomit (yea, we feel awful).  We have a baby monitor w/ video on her but sometimes we turn down the volume because the static noise keeps us up.  Most of the times we can hear her retching but apparently not last night.  So we gave her a shower to clean her up and afterward noticed she was having some labored breathing.  I got her dress quick and started off in the car heading toward either her pediatrician or ER, making phone calls on the way. We'd seen her breathing looking much worse so decided to just go to her peds office.  By the time we got there her breathing looked much better and her lungs and oxygen saturation levels were all normal.  We're back home now and Anya continues to vomit every once in a while.  She was so not ready to do this again. She's had one day of full nutrition this week...

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