Saturday, December 20

12/20 Still sick :(

Anya is still actively puking.  She finally slept from about 5:30 until 7:45 w/ a few pukes in between.  She is currently diving in the hyperbaric chamber while I get Anya's things ready to take in to the ER.  She is showing signs of dehydration; sunken in eyes, dry lips and mouth and needs IV fluids.  Despite the slow drip of pedialyte into her J-tube, all that fluid still finds it's way back up the jejunum, through the stomach, up the esophagus and into the burp-rag (or suction machine or towel or our hands or on the floor).  As I've stated before, her whole GI tract just goes in reverse.

This is a long episode and is taking it's toll on all of us.  Anya's hand biting has been so bad. She has open wounds on both hands despite our efforts in keeping her hands away from her mouth.  We keep socks on her hands to help keep those sharp teeth off her shin but she is still able to either bite right though the socks and/or pull the sock off and bite again.  I finally ended up making her a little pair of handcuffs out of pipe cleaners and plastic chain links.  In her red jumpsuit and restrains, Anya looks like a little convict.

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