Saturday, November 3

11/03 Weight Gain!!!

Yahoo!!  Anya finally broke the 17lb mark.  As I think we mentioned in an earlier posting, out of frustration we changed her food base recently to our own concoction of avocados, brown rice syrup and a bunch of different oils.  Well we finally ramped up her volume of feeds to our goal of  900-1200 calories/day.  She's gotten the full feeds the past two days and is actually acting more hungry. Tomorrow will be 1 full month without vomiting.  The last time was on Katie's birthday, Oct 4th.  We started her new diet on Oct 5th but I'm sure her not vomiting is just a coincedence if you ask any of her old doc... (sorry, still bitter).  Last week Anya was still at her seemingly locked weight of 16.5lbs.  Today she was at 17.15.  This is her first gain since February.
We also had an interesting phone consult tonight with a Dr. we've connected with through Wisconsin Hyperbarics.  He explained some of her recent labs with great detail, finally providing a bit of clearity.  I don't want to get into to much of the details but it looks like we need to do a lot of celation (removing toxic metals) for quit some time (6-12+ months, who knows..).  We plan start celation once we have a good regemin in place and after she gains a bit more weight.  The process unfortunately also draws good minerals from her body as well so we need to be carefull.  We are hoping to start at 18months (Nov 22nd).
Thats all.  Good night.

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