Wednesday, July 11

7/11 Update..

Anya is still very sick :( but again, she'll put through.  I've gave her fair warning though... if she doesn't stop by tomorrow morning it is hospital & IV time...
On a different note, we are heading on a whole new, unexpected yet exciting path with treatment for Anya.  While at the bookstore last week Katie just happened to pickup a book that caught her eye, no thinking it would have anything to do with Anya.  The book is called 'Healing the New Childhood Epidemics; Autism, ADHA, Asthma & Allergies" by Kenneth Bock. see it here (  As she began to read through a few pages though she realized quickly that it may have everything to do with Anya.  The book talks about how the "4-A" disorders is not so much a genetic issue as it is an environmental toxin issue.  "Genes load the gun, and environment pulls the trigger". 
The book is absolutely fascinating. We have now bought three copies so Katie and I can stop fighting over it and a copy to pass between friends.  We would absolutely recommend it to anybody, not only other parents with "mito kids" (although, especially them)  but every parent or parent-to-be and their physicians.  Anya should NOT have been immunized when she was. She was sick, weakened, had been though several rounds of broad-spectrum antibiotics and her immune system was push was past its limits... way past..   Fortunately there is still hope (in our minds at least) through treatments of detoxifying and rebuilding discussed in the book.  We have since made an appointment to see Dr Bock on Oct 4th, and are slowly (painfully slowly) trying to implement some of the therapies.

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