Saturday, April 21

April 21 Baby Girl is sick again

Anya started vomiting this morning after her first feed. She has had a ton of congestion. I don't understand why mito kids have so much congestion, I would love an explanation. It is so hard to watch her sick especially when only 5 days have gone passed since the last spell. I worry so much for her. Her tiny little body working so hard to cough up this mucus. We'll see what tomorrow brings....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,Peter & Anya,
I am so sorry to hear that little Anya is again ill. I would like to let you guys know that we recently started Cody on a supplement called "Mucolyxir" per the request of our new naturopath. This supplement is to help with congestion and asthma like symptoms. As you are aware Cody has always been a very congested little guy as well. The very next day after starting this supplement Cody's breathing has been extremely clear. We wanted to give it a whole week before we mentioned it to anyone but Cody's miraculous respiratory improvement has been so far wonderful. I hope that if you decide to give it a try that it will work just as great on Anya as it has been working on Cody. Please take care..