Sunday, December 30
Thursday, December 27
12/27 Good news / Bad news...
Now for the bad news.. Unrelated to Anya but still a sad day for our family. Our dog, Summit (aka Sum-Bum or Summy), passed away this morning. He was a beautiful Great Pyrenees/ Golden mix who was great with our kids. He was white (when clean), fluffy and a great cuddler. We were blessed with Summit about eight years ago when we got him from the Denver Dumb Friends League (the pound). He loved going for walks or being off-leash and exploring, chasing rabbits (I'm proud to say the old man actually caught one last year. I think he was as shocked as we were when it happened). We enjoyed many adventures (pre-kids) with him like camping and snowshoeing. He had such a calm and patient demeanor, yet a zest for life (up until these past few months).
Summit had arthritis for the past few years but just last week we discovered he actually had MS. The Vet, whom is a brilliant man, suspected the MS was the result of Helicobacter Pyloris. We got the blood work back a few days ago that confirmed his suspicion, unfortunately it was too late. Summy had been going down hill quickly. Last week he could no longer get up or down a single stair. Yesterday he could no longer walk. He slept with us last night and this morning he was unable to even stand so we took him to the Vet to make the heartbreaking decision. As much a it hurt, Sum-Bum always walked with pride (it was cute how he would seem embarrassed if he tripped or missed catching a ball). This morning the pride was gone, he was ready to go... We love you Sum-Bum and we'll miss you dearly... for more pictures, click here.
Tuesday, December 25
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 23
Ugh Anya just started puking
Wednesday, December 19
12/19 Anya is doing well
Thursday, December 13
Wednesday, December 12
12/12 Back From Breckenridge
Wednesday, November 28
11/28: Back home now
Off to Children's
Tuesday, November 27
11/27- Pneumonia :(
Monday, November 26
11/26 Anya's puking again
11/26 Sick again...
Tuesday, November 20
11/20 Doing well
Saturday, November 17
Nov.17 Still sick
Thursday, November 15
Saturday, November 3
11/03 Weight Gain!!!
Wednesday, October 31
Happy Halloween
Wednesday, October 24
October 24 We're back
Wednesday, September 19
Friday, September 7
Thank You
Thursday, September 6
Spoke to quick
9/6 A good day..
Wednesday, September 5
Back to it
Monday, September 3
Happy Labor day
Friday, August 31
8/31 Good news & bad news
The bad news is that it is 2 a.m.
Thursday, August 30
8/30 On the upswing??
So we saw a new GI doc today. Not "The" GI doc we plan to see but just did a first available visit. It was exactly what we thought it would be. He is essentially writing it off as a mito thing. As predicted, he suggested a nissen redo.
Apparently I am missing something here. Now I admit I know very little about human anatomy compared to all the GI doc we've seen, but how in the hell can they believe this is a reflux issue. I think they just hear a few select words from Anya history, assume they have the answer and lock in to their solution. They hear Baby, Feeding Difficulty, Failure to Thrive and Vomiting. They must think 'No Brainer, it's reflux' and then tune everything else out.
If it was reflux it would happen more during or directly after feedings, it would happen more when she was feeding laying down vs sitting upright, prevacid would have helped, it would have shown up on her PH-probe study. None of these are true. It also wouldn't have such a cyclical nature. It wouldn't just randomly occur every 7-10 days. My understanding of reflux is that it is an anatomic issue like the sphincter between her esophagus and stomach does restrict tight enough or perhaps the stomach can't expand enough to hold the volume. It is unlikely that her anatomy is changing.
Fortunatley we went into the appointment today knowing we wouldn't get any answers. We went in to get an EGG (video scope down the esophagus, stomach and into the duodenum) and colonoscopy scheduled so we can look for ulcers or other damage from all her vomiting. She's had the EGG before but we just wanted to check on it again. We also decided to put her back on Previcad so when she does vomit it is not as acidic on her esophagus.
We also found out today that out pediatrician didn't get exactly what we had asked for and we've been wasting our time giving her B-12 injections for the past 5 weeks and not Methyl-B-12. Regular B-12 is a simply vitamin you get from normal nutritional intake or that you can get from a capsul suppliment. Mythl-B-12 is much different... but Anya's sleeping, it's late and I'm tired... Good night.
Wednesday, August 29
8/28 Sick again (I'm sick of writing that subject line...)
So now what... As you can imagine, we are getting more and more frustrated and concerned. We decided today to find a new GI doc that actually doesn't mind doing what he is paid for (sorry I'm a little bitter) Anya has seen countless GI docs at Childrens and they all seem to just give up and blame it on the Mito issue. They might be right but I don't want to assume so and someday have an autopsy prove them wrong.
Their last suggestion months ago, which is where we gave up on them, was to place a J-G tube (or is it G-J, I forget) which is basically like the g-tube she has now but place lower in the digestive track, in the juejunum. This would bypass the stomach altogether. Or to redo her Nissen (re-tighten her esophagus). Either option, in our minds, is not the way to handle it. Sure, we could perhaps even sew her lips shut to stop her vomiting but the underlying issue still remains. Anyway, we got the name of a good doc that reportedly digs and digs until he knows exactly what is wrong.
What else.. Oh yea, we got some of her lab work back for mineral testing in hair samples. We speak with her PCP next week for interpretation. I don't what to say much about it until we know more but the results were abnormal with several elevated heavy metals. This likely indicates her bodies normal function to excrete such metals (which we all do daily) has been compromised. This system of sulfation and methylation is what we been working on with supplements lately.
Monday, August 27
8/27 Update...
Thursday, August 16
Much Better
Sunday, August 12
8/12 Sick again
Anya has long ago fallen well off the bottom of the charts in weight (she's stll only 15.4lbs). We continue to get more and more concerned of her malnourishment. We've got some leads on what to do. It's unfortunately not as simple as just feeding her more. We are learning of what may be one of the underlying issues from several different books and now it is a matter of implementing certain diets and see what happens.
Tuesday, August 7
Holding Food Down
Sunday, August 5
Doing Better
Saturday, August 4
8/4 Sick again :(
Friday, August 3
Just an update on Anya's ratings
Tuesday, July 31
Still Doing well
Saturday, July 21
7/21: Update
- Head Control: 2/10 Although there are certain time she can hold her head up decently, they are few and far between. Sometimes when she is laying on your shoulder she'll pick her head up and look up for maybe 20 seconds but that will be about it for that day, and even that is maybe twice a week tops. Generally speaking her neck remains limp the rest of the time.
- Eye Control: 7/10 This has by far been her greatest progress. 6 months ago I would have given her a 1 or 2. Her eyes where extremely slow to respond to light (dilating) and she couldn't/didn't track object much at all. We did a lot of dark-room exercises w/ her to allow her to focus on a lit object and she progress with that nicely. Today she can and does track any object even in an open area where there are outside distractions. She doesn't do so 100% of the time though so I think it is more just a lack of interest than inability to do it.
- Hand Dexterity: 2/10 She has made some progress here as she would have probably been 0 or 1 6-months ago. You can see her now at least try to reach for or hit a toy on occasion but it seems to take a lot of focus to do so. She will stare at the object and frustratingly try to bring her hands together for better stability (her movement disorder is preventing her from any fluid, direct movements), she then holds her hands together and slowly and jerkingly straightens her elbows until her fists hit the object. She does seem to show a little excitement when successful by giving a couple quick kicks with her legs. She can momentarily hold an object (10 seconds perhaps) if we place it in her hand firmly. She can not however pick up objects on her own.
- Legs: 1/10 Although she does have some leg strength she does not seem to have much control For example, if we hold her up and try to get her to support any weight, she can not. Her legs become completely limp. On her belly she may try to pull her legs in a bit but its only enough to wiggle her little butt around a bit. Far from enough to get a crawl out of her. On her back she seems to do the best. She can kick a little and when you hold her feet and pump her legs she occasionally offer some resistance. A hand full of times now she has been in her car seat or bouncy seat and she will kick frantically with excitement and get the whole seat bouncing or rocking. She seems to have fun doing that.
- Arm/Chest: 2/10 If it were based on strength alone I would give a 9/10 but her ability to coordinate that strength into any useful movement is nil. Although several weeks ago she was able to bare a little weight on her forearms, it has not at all been consistent nor for much duration (<10 seconds). I really can say she has done it at all since then.
- Digestion: 4/10 Although she is still vomiting a lot I would say she is getting much better than where she was 6 months ago. She no longer or rarely shows signs of abdominal discomfort and she produces far less gas that we'd need to vent out her g-tube. She has much more regular bowel movements average 1/day. She is rarely constipated where she used to not go for 3-4 days at a time. She digests her current formula (metagenics UltraCare for Kids) very quickly where her belly is empty within an hour after a feed. Other formulas just sat in her stomach for several hours making it hard to get in her nutritional requirements.
- Smiles & Giggles: 4/10 On average she probably smiles twice/day and giggles once/two-weeks. We are very thankful for these but feel like she could show more signs of awareness to her surroundings (although maybe we're just not that funny).
- Skin/Complexion: 8/10 6 months ago this was probably a 4/10. She still has small occasional rashes but they are so much better then they were.
- Sleep: 5/10 Although she is still not getting adaquit sleep, her sleep schedule has gotten much more consistent. She typically goes to sleep around 8pm and wakes aroung 4am everyday. She will then (typically) take a nap around 9:30-11am. Occationally she takes a second nap around 5-6pm. She still pulls all-nighters once every 1 or two weeks, especially following an episode of being sick.
- Basic Skills: Rolling over 1/10; Sitting up 0/10; crawling 0/10; Reaching for toys 1/10; Holding in a pacifier 3/10; walking 0/10; Feeding orally 1/10.
Thursday, July 19
7/19 We're home
- It's not a bug (although sometimes it was)
- It's not the weather (we've monitored the pressure and there's no correlation)
- It's not the temperature (she's done this in the heat of July and the cold of February)
- It's not the altitude (she's done this in the mts. at 10,000' and here at home at 5,000')
- It's unlikely her food (she's tried all different types and has gone the longest, 5-week, on her current food. IgG & IgE testing soon.)
- It's unlikely airborne allergen (she's been sick in all seasons and in different houses)
- It's not dehydration (if re-hydration via IV stops it, perhaps something as simple as giving her excessive water solutions could prevent it. although she's recovered before w/ out IV's and on the flip side she's continued to vomit following IV's, so that doesn't make sense either. hmmm)
7/19 back in the ER
Tuesday, July 17
7/17 Sick again...
started late last night and continues every 10-15 minutes. Since day one
we've been trying to find the trigger to these events. I think we are
finally begining to understand.
The human body, at any age, is an amazing machine. "God don't make no
junk". When she vomits, she does so for a reason. When we were in the ER
last week I was asked if I wanted to try giving her something to stop the
vomiting. It felt odd saying it but my answer was "nope". In one respect I
said no because we've tried those 'somethings' in the past and it has never
helped. But had I known then what I know now I probably wouldn't have tried
them then either. Now I don't know exactly what's going on inside Anya's
little body but it is clearly telling us that whatever is inside her needs
to get out.
I believe the vomiting spell last week was a direct result of us trying to
introduce Neocate formula. It was suggested she try it for nutritional
purposed (addition amino acids and calcium campared to what she was on), we
were warned however that it contained nearly 50% corn syrup (that's a whole
nother topic, but 50% garbage. I just don;t get it...). After slowly
introducing the Neocate she began vomiting. As I think I mentioned in a
previous post, the vomit content was different from what we'd seen in the
past (I'll spare the details).
The episode prior to that, we believe was caused by a detoxing herb that we
perhaps gave her a bit much of (oops). Her vomit then was similar to what
it is today and similar to what it was when given detoxification herbs from
her ayruvedic doc several months ago. With out giving to much details, I'll
just say what is coming out looks nothing like what we put in. So I think
she has two different reasons for vomiting. One is when she is sick with a
bug or an acute alergic response and the other is when she is excreating
built up toxins.
So why is she detoxifying today? Well yesterday we opted to try something
new, Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care (see www.
for more info). It is something a friend of our suggested months ago.
Unfortunately we didn't find it relevant at the time. But she finally
nagged us enough so to get her off our back we thought we'd give it a try
(totally kidding Cindie). In a nut shell Upper Cervical Care is correcting
the alignment where the spine meets the skull (if I hacked that description
I apologize Dr. Elster). This misalignment can occur as a result of a neck
injury or during the birthing process. When there is misalignment here it
restricts and/or pinches the spinal cord and can neurological malfunction
resulting in anything from headaches to immune system disorders to
developmental delay to seizures. As we said in the past, Anya need every
bit of help possible. We want to eliminate anything holding her back from
being the best she can possibly be. I do not at all believe this is her
underlying issue but I do believe it is worth correcting to reach her full
potential. Her x-rays and thermal scan did show misalignment so she did
have an adjustment. We will now be going back each week for repeat thermal
scans and adjustments and needed. Thermal scan essentially measure the
temperature differential along either side of her upper spine. A
temperature difference of more than .5 C indicates misalignment and the need
for adjustment. Eventually she will stabilize on her own. So what does
that have to do with detoxing? Well I call Dr. Elster this afternoon just to
let her know what's happening and she wasn't surprised. She said her
patients commonly show signs of detoxifying following treatment, although
not through vomiting, they they show other detoxing symptoms like skin
rashes, diarrhea, feeling ill, etc. So there you go... we made her get
We'll keep posting updates and let you know what happens after out next
visit next Monday. Oh yea, we are also hoping to start her methyl B-12
injections soon per the suggestions listed in the book mentioned below.
Thursday, July 12
July 12- Feeling Better
Wednesday, July 11
Hospital update
We're in the ER right now, Anya has her line in and is sleeping peacefully.
7/11 Update..
Tuesday, July 10
July 10 Sick
Sunday, July 8
July 8th
Thursday, June 21
6/21 Wonderful day!!!
Monday, June 18
6/18 Getting better.
Saturday, June 16
6/16. Rough 24hrs...
Friday, June 8
6/8 Anya's still doing great!
got a few more giggles out of her the other night again. Her vision
therapist visited on Monday and has noticed much improvement overall. She
still recommends revisiting the ophthalmologist to see if a vision issue may
be why she so strongly prefers looking to her right. Her tracking has
improved as well. She can now easily track lights in a dark room and is now
fairly consistently tracking objects. She was lying in the center of our bed
the other night and watched me (dad) walk from one side to the other,
turning her head completely from her right, down past her feet and to her
left. Every week is a baby step in the right direction. Tonight as we did
her dark-room therapy I held her wrist up and shined a small flashlight on
her hand and she watch her fingers wiggle so intently. Although the
wiggling fingers were result of her movement disorder, you just knew from
the look in her eyes that she was getting the feedback that she has control.
She has also been grabbing her feet a lot lately which started slowly about
3 weeks ago. And finally one of my favorite things, she slept in past 6
twice this week! Hopefully breaking her 4am cycle.
Go Anya, go!!
Tuesday, May 29
May 29th EEG
Thursday, May 24
Wednesday, May 23
5/23. Cleveland trip update
For now we are stuck on a plane in oklahoma city. Bad weather in kansas city required us to divert the storm but we needed to get more fuel to do so. I guess that stuff's important for keeping the plane aloft. Anya has been great traveling. She's sleeping right now..
Tuesday, May 22
Happy Birthday Anya
Monday, May 21
May 21 Almost 1!!!!
Saturday, May 12
May 12
Thursday, May 3
May 4 Quick Update
Saturday, April 28
4/28 We got giggles!!!
today when I was tickling her armpits!!! It was awesome! She gave four
quick, cute purposeful giggles. We're so proud.
Monday, April 23
April 23 Feeling Better
Saturday, April 21
April 21 Baby Girl is sick again
Thursday, April 19
April 19th Anya is feeling better
Tuesday, April 17
April 17 Still sick
Sunday, April 15
4/15 Not doing so well today...
but around 3:00 this afternoon she went down hill pretty quick. We should
have seen it coming as she did give us her warning signs of being unusually
tired and had two good naps. It was unusual however for it to be so late in
the day. Typically she starts this around 8 or 9am. Hmmm. This girl just
will not give us a pattern to help us figure her out... All we got is every
7 to 10 days it hits the fan. She's still tough as nails though and will
bounce back.
On a good note, she made a huge leap forward a couple days ago while Katie
was working with her doing some therapy. While lying on her belly she
pushed her elbows down into the ground and was able to lift her chest up off
the floor for a moment. Katie was just screaming with joy. I love those
moments, they are our driving force...(well, one of many driving forces).
Wednesday, April 11
April 11 and all is good
Friday, April 6
April 6 Good Friday!
Friday, March 30
3/30 We're leaving for Telluride
Friday, March 23
3/23: Keep it up!!!
Sunday, March 18
3/19 Nothing New
Monday, March 12
3/12 update
Wednesday, March 7
She's home
Tuesday, March 6
Back to the Hospital
Saturday, March 3
Thursday, March 1
Here we go again!
Wednesday, February 28
Anya's Doing good!
Sunday, February 18
What is a Seizure?
on an anti-seizure med call Keppra (or levetiracetam). While doing research
on this drug I came across this presentation on Seizures and How
<> the Brain works.
It's pretty good if you're interested and want to check it out.
-I tried feeding Anya water again yesterday and we were unsuccessful. She
didn't get anything and when she did manage to suck, she coughed it up right
away. It's amazing how inconsistent she is. We'll cautiously keep
-Anya had been doing so well sleeping lately but last night was a blast from
her past. She was all fired up and finally fell asleep around 2am. But
actually, in hindsight that's pretty good. The old Anya would have stayed
up ALL Night.
Saturday, February 17
2/17 Quick update
children's on Fed 2nd. We've backed off a lot on her feeding volumes from
155cc's to 110cc. This is essentially the bare minimum recommended caloric
intake at her age/weight but she is clearly getting more food this way than
puking up a larger feed. I thing she lost about 1-1/2 lbs during those
rough 3 weeks. We haven't weighed her lately but I'm guessing she's gaining
We did get her EEG results. Unfortunately it was the same as last time,
displaying epileptiform patterns. We were very surprised as she was so
relaxed and sleeping during the test we thought it would have been better.
For her last EEG she was squirming, wiggling and crying. hmmmm We meet
with our Nerologist on the 27th to discuss what this means.
oh yea...
few hours but she didn't gag or cough once! That is huge for her. It's
been a month or so since we've tried any oral feeds. She has never done so
well, not even close.
Wednesday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day
Friday, February 9
2/9 Really good week
Friday, February 2
Anya's coming home
Thursday, February 1
2/1- Hurry up and wait...
Well first thing in the morning has come and gone and at around 11:15 we're told they can't fit her in the schedule today, so it will be first thing tomorrow morning... just hang out here for while... The good news is we may get to see Anya's metabolic docs a month early when they do rounds.
So now we have the upper GI scheduled for 8:30am. It is likely they will find her Nissen (tightened esophagus surgery she had done when she was 5 days old) had slipped and they will need to redo it. This doen't really explain why she is vomiting but it will explain why she can vomit. With a Nissen you shouldn't be able to vomit at all.
They also mentioned doing a PH probe study to check for reflux. I'm not sure if they just weren't aware that she's already had that or if they wanted to repeat it. Last time it showed 'no reflux'.
All in all, she's doing well and she'll be fine.
Wednesday, January 31
1/31 Anya
Thursday, January 25
1/25 coming home
1/25 Anchor Center update
Yes, she's still been getting sick. I think we're on about day 16 of this. Yesterday was a really rough day, as was this morning, but this afternoon she been holding food down. I'm at Childrens Hospital right now to make sure she's not slipping too far behind in weight or hydration. I'm so thankful God blessed us with such a strong girl. Her poor brothers, they won't stand a chance against her when they all start fighting...
Saturday, January 20
1/20 Quick update / news
1/20 Puking Still
Friday, January 19
1/19 Pretty good day..
and started vomiting again and lost everything she had from her 3 o'clock
feeding. However, as I write this now she is doing MUCH better. Katie was
just getting her to giggle by blowing in her little armpits. She appeared
really wiped-out when she was sick but now her energy appears to be back
Thursday, January 18
1/18 Good Day :)
Wednesday, January 17
1/17 Thought we were in the clear
Tuesday, January 16
Not too bad of a day afterall
We spoke with a dietician today and are going to be trying her feeds a bit different to see what happens. We have been feeding 150cc's @ 150cc/hr @ 9,12,3 & 6 o'clock then a slow nighttime feed of 550cc @ 55cc/hr at 9 pm. Now wee are going to try 165cc @ 150cc/hr at 6, 9, 12, 3, 6 & 9 and give her digestive system a break at night. Every time she gets sick it has been in the morning after long continuous feed. We'll see how she does...
1/16 Puking Again
Monday, January 15
1/15 so far so good
Sunday, January 14
1/14 still going
Poor girl...
Saturday, January 13
11/13 Puking Again
Friday, January 12
1/12 Good Girl
Thursday, January 11
I spoke to soon...
Anders Christmas Program
Christmas Photo
Anya'sgot me up late so I'm just playing with our new blogger features... |
From Christmas_Card |
Stopped vomiting but still awake
Anya hasn’t vomited now since around 11pm last night. She awoke from her typical lethargic state, as she gets in when she has these vomiting spells, and appeared hungry (or something) around 12am. Katie was up with her and somehow got her back to sleep by 1:30am only to awake again now at 3:45. Her chorea movements now and at 12 were pretty wild and also included a lot of tongue thrusting. On top of her root issues she may be teething as well.
Wednesday, January 10
A rough day...
A good nights sleep
Side note; We really want to thank EVERYONE for all their guest-book entries viewable by all and countless emails we've received from family members, old friends, new friends and caring strangers. For those of you who have sent emails, I apologize if we haven't responded yet. As I'm sure you can imagine, we don't get a lot of time to sit down, and those times that we do get, lately we've just wanted to 'veg-out', not think and recover. But please know we receive and greatly appreciate all the kind, thoughtful words of encouragement and your prayers. (I actually get them on my cell phone right when you send them) They bring joy to our life. We love you all. Thank you. P&K
And now she's puking..... here we go...
Monday, January 8
Another good day
Wednesday, January 3
Anya stopped throwing up
Yesterday was a very rough day for me, just thinking of this aweful disorder that is ruining my baby girls life. Just seems so unfair. Anders knew I was having a bad day and seemed very sad at the end of the day. When I tucked him in last night, I asked what was on his mind, he said... the world and our family. I knew he was thinking about Anya. This morning he said, do you know why I was sad last night? He said, I want Anya and you to be happy and healthy and for me to be sick instead...................... It breaks my heart. I love my children so much and appreciate everything God has given me. I am a lucky mom to have three wonderful kids.
Tuesday, January 2
Happy New Year
Blog Archive
- 1/31 Anya
- 1/25 coming home
- 1/25 Anchor Center update
- 1/20 Quick update / news
- 1/20 Puking Still
- 1/19 Pretty good day..
- 1/18 Good Day :)
- 1/17 Thought we were in the clear
- Not too bad of a day afterall
- 1/16 Puking Again
- 1/15 so far so good
- Picture from new years eve..
- You have a new Picture Mail
- Anders at his friend Sashea's B-day Party! What fun!
- You have a new Picture Mail
- 1/14 still going
- Poor girl...
- 11/13 Puking Again
- 1/12 Good Girl
- I spoke to soon...
- Anders Christmas Program
- Christmas Photo
- Stopped vomiting but still awake
- A rough day...
- A good nights sleep
- Another good day
- Anya stopped throwing up
- Happy New Year