Friday, March 23

3/23: Keep it up!!!

I really think Anya is turning the corner.  We are finally noticing a real spark happening 'upstairs'.  She is beginning to track objects and faces much more consistently (far from perfect but much better).  For months we had tried to get her to watch a Baby Einstein video just to get her to view all the colors and associated noises. We would have to place her pretty close to a big screen TV so she would be forced to look at it.  Even though she was 'looking at it' she definitely wasn't 'watching' it. It was like she was starring off in the distance and day dreaming.  Since she started to do well looking and tracking the small flash light in the dark bathroom we decided to try having her watch a video in there on a small 5" portable DVD player.  She did awesome!!  As we slowly moved the screen around she followed it with her eyes and head movements.  Even turning from her right to her left, which has always been difficult for her.  We then set the DVD player down and she WATCHED it intently.  She was even smiling occasionally.  It was an incredible feeling for us.  You could almost see the neurons firing in her head. 
She will now turn towards my (dad) voice and smile when she sees me.  When she cries I can give her my hand to hold, she squeezes tight and immediately calms and seams happy.  Again, an incredible feeling.  Last night we rocked in her chair and she watched me as I sang countless repetitions of "You are my Sunshine" and I just had this overwhelming feeling, saying 'welcome home Anya, welcome home'.
Bottom-line, Anya is getting better.  You can just feel it.  And we wanted to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers.  They're working.  Anya's getting better. Keep it up...

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