Thursday, January 25

1/25 Anchor Center update

Our visit to the Anchor center went well. Anya can see at least at the level they feel necessary for visual learning. She still prefers looking at object edges rather than at the object itself as 1 or 2 month old would. She appears more responsive to periferal stimulation then to objects straight in front of her. She has a long way to go, but its possible. They gave us a bunch of visual exercises to do with her to help develop the skills that would normally occur naturally.

Yes, she's still been getting sick. I think we're on about day 16 of this. Yesterday was a really rough day, as was this morning, but this afternoon she been holding food down. I'm at Childrens Hospital right now to make sure she's not slipping too far behind in weight or hydration. I'm so thankful God blessed us with such a strong girl. Her poor brothers, they won't stand a chance against her when they all start fighting...


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