Wednesday, September 5

Back to it

Well Anya is throwing up again. This is really frustrating and depressing. I have no idea how long her body can continue to do this. She finally was back to regular feeds on Monday. So last weeks cycle took a long time for her to rebound from. She's had 2 days worth of full nutrition. She is so small and needs to gain weight so badly. We feel so alone in this quest to find answers. I wish a doctor could just find something wrong so we could fix it!! The days she is sick, we are by her side and the minute she gets better I am searching for answers to help her. I want so badly to just sit back and enjoy my daughter without trying to heal her. I want that "magic pill" or a miracle for her health. I am so tired of trying new things and for them to fail her. Her mind and body are lacking the nutrients she needs. Until we get her to gain weight and grow we can't work on the other things that she needs. (She has a ton of heavy metals in her body, mercury, arsenic, tin, lead.... that needs detoxing.)
I need to get back to my angel, we'll update later.

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