Now for the bad news.. Unrelated to Anya but still a sad day for our family. Our dog, Summit (aka Sum-Bum or Summy), passed away this morning. He was a beautiful Great Pyrenees/ Golden mix who was great with our kids. He was white (when clean), fluffy and a great cuddler. We were blessed with Summit about eight years ago when we got him from the Denver Dumb Friends League (the pound). He loved going for walks or being off-leash and exploring, chasing rabbits (I'm proud to say the old man actually caught one last year. I think he was as shocked as we were when it happened). We enjoyed many adventures (pre-kids) with him like camping and snowshoeing. He had such a calm and patient demeanor, yet a zest for life (up until these past few months).
Summit had arthritis for the past few years but just last week we discovered he actually had MS. The Vet, whom is a brilliant man, suspected the MS was the result of Helicobacter Pyloris. We got the blood work back a few days ago that confirmed his suspicion, unfortunately it was too late. Summy had been going down hill quickly. Last week he could no longer get up or down a single stair. Yesterday he could no longer walk. He slept with us last night and this morning he was unable to even stand so we took him to the Vet to make the heartbreaking decision. As much a it hurt, Sum-Bum always walked with pride (it was cute how he would seem embarrassed if he tripped or missed catching a ball). This morning the pride was gone, he was ready to go... We love you Sum-Bum and we'll miss you dearly... for more pictures, click here.
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