Wednesday, December 31
Tuesday, December 30
12/30 update
Her ability to reach for and accurately grab toys continues to improve. She has been caught a few times recently swapping an object from one hand to another. This morning in the hyperbaric chamber I noticed her look at a toy on a retractable draw-string hanging up near her left shoulder, reach for it with her left hand and at the same time as she grabbed it she brought her right hand in toward midline and immediately brought that toy to her right hand, perfectly.
Sunday, December 28
12/28 Anya doing great..
Monday, December 22
12/22 Doing okay...
We did decide today to go ahead with the muscle biopsy but to just have it done here in Madison rather than going to see Dr. Schoffner in Atlanta. It is a bit of a gamble though because in Atlanta they can perform a fresh muscle biopsy and be able rule out (or in) a broader spectrum of mito conditions then a frozen biopsy performed here. Logistically (and for insurance reasons) we are just finding the Atlanta option to be too prohibitive. Madison is a great facility and we have confidence in them here. In the rare but quite possible event they don't fine anything here, we can always reconsider Atlanta in the future... There have also apparently been some recent improvements made to a mito DNA blood test that we had done in the past, that justified retesting. So that will be the first step. We are going to try to see the Geneticist sometime in January to schedule the biopsy.
12/22 Sick again.
Sunday, December 21
12/21 All is well.
Saturday, December 20
12/20 surprise..
8:20 get the boys to sleep. 8:40 get Aksel back to sleep. 9:00 repeat 9:20 repeat. 10:30 get Anya to sleep in her bed. 10:35 get Katie to sleep in her bed. 10:37 get self to sleep in Anya's spare bed. 10:38 Smile, kick bare feet around on cold sheets and enjoy the anticipation of finally getting to go to sleep after two very long nights. 10:40 "Woof, Woof" Rylie has to go outside to go potty....
She's Home!
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12/20 At the ER
12/20 Still sick :(
This is a long episode and is taking it's toll on all of us. Anya's hand biting has been so bad. She has open wounds on both hands despite our efforts in keeping her hands away from her mouth. We keep socks on her hands to help keep those sharp teeth off her shin but she is still able to either bite right though the socks and/or pull the sock off and bite again. I finally ended up making her a little pair of handcuffs out of pipe cleaners and plastic chain links. In her red jumpsuit and restrains, Anya looks like a little convict.
12/20 Almost done..
Friday, December 19
12/19 Little pip-squeak still sick
On a diffent note, Anya new switches ( arrived in the mail just now. We've played with a few diffent styles of switches w/ her therapists lately and found a couple that she can activate fairly well. She'll be able to use these switches to turn on toys and potentially begin a form of communication. New toys, Yea!
Hopefully the princess will actually sleep tonight....
12/19 Our little angel is sick again
Tuesday, December 16
Tuesday, December 9
12/9 Snow day
Anya is sick again, this is only 6 days after her last episode. So discouraging, she had gone 30 days twice in between episodes and put on some weight. Needless to say her weight has dropped! Hopefully this will be over soon, until then back to suctioning!
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Thursday, December 4
Wednesday, December 3
12/3 That's enough...
Good night Sunshine!!! Feel better! See you tomorrow night..
Monday, December 1
12/01 Anya's at Nana G's
Saturday, November 29
11/29 Website back online... and baby-doll sick today :(
Anya woke up sick this morning around 3 am... same old story.. never saw it coming. Unfortunately it came during the weekend when the two oldest boys are at Grandma and Grandpa's and we were going to try to get some x-mas shopping done. Oh well, the piece and quiet (funny how we now consider only two kids crying as being quiet) is very nice. Anya appears to be snapping out of it and may be ready to start eating again soon. She goes through a very (VERY!!) annoying stage of teeth grinding as she gets her energy back.
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Sunday, November 9
11/9 Thanks for the visit
Friday, October 31
Wednesday, October 29
10/29 Anya's baby brother
Friday, October 24
Wednesday, October 22
10/22 Back in the Hospital
Monday, October 13
8/13 All is well again
Sunday, October 12
10/12 Sick Again
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Saturday, October 11
Saturday, October 4
New record!! but sick again.
Wednesday, October 1
October 1 Great News
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Thursday, September 18
Monday, September 1
Puking Again
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Monday, August 25
August 25 Not great....
Be the filmmaker you always wanted to be—learn how to burn a DVD with Windows®. Make your smash hit
Friday, August 1
8/1 Stander.
Anya finally got her stander last week. She started out going in it about 4 times/day 10 minutes each. She's been tolerating it very well so we're slowly increasing time. We are firm believers in following a natural developemental sequence of stages, i.e. creep, crawl, stand, walk, run, fly (we aim high). This stander is not really intended to teach her how to stand but rather to get her hip sockets to grow appropriately. When the bones don't experience that normal upward stress, the socket doesn't know to grow around/over the ball. Hopefully this will prevent future hip dislocations and potential surgeries. Plus it's pink. The boys love pushing her around the house (away from the stairs).
Thursday, July 31
7/31/08 Lots of new stuff...
She has been doing really well lately. Katie and I recently returned from a two week trip to Arizona where we took Anya for some "intensive" therapy. Not so much intensive with respect to effort on Anya's part but more intensive in time and sensory input. We took her to a place called Futures Unlimited ( where they practice CCDT (Chronologically Controlled Developmental Therapy). We've said time and time again that we'll try anything within reason (and as some of you know, not-so much within reason). We were referred to Futures from Dr. Klinghart in Seattle, and after learning more about it and speaking with James and Susan Snapp, siblings who's father Ed Snapp developed the CCDT protocol, we just felt it was a fit for Anya and worth a try.
We are very happy with the results we've seen. The biggest breakthrough for us is that Anya now tolerates being placed in prone position (on her belly). She used to just HATE this. We'd been trying to get her to do this for two years. She would cry, twist, squirm and ferociously bite her hands (it's an Anya thing) the minute you placed her in that position. Today, she will hang out in that position for 30 minutes (perhaps more if we tried) with out fuss. No only is she not fussing but she is bringing her head up, looking around, smiling. I wouldn't say she loves it but it is night and day from where she was at.
She also no longer bites her hands like she used to. She's been known to draw blood (her own or any one brave or stupid enough to get their fingers near that mouth). One improvement that we'd seen recently, even before the therapy, is that she would appropriately respond to us telling her to get her hands out of her mouth. It took her a moment but she would pull it away. Although sometimes, if we weren't watching or if she was acting like her brothers and not listening to us, she would get a hold of a hand an just chomp. She would just let out a huge scream and cry with a confused and frustrated look on her face with tears streaming down her cheeks. After the therapy we've noticed she doesn't bring her hands to her mouth nearly as much (perhaps 10% of what she used to do). And now when she does, she just mouths it a little. She hasn't bitten since we've returned.
We actually planned on going to Arizona several months ago but canceled because she was sick and puking so much. We finally just decided that if we don't do it just because she is puking, we may never get to do it. Prior to the therapy she was getting sick nearly every 3-4 days. She was pretty sick the first day of therapy but then each of the days following that she would maybe vomit once or twice throughout the day but never fell into her typical episode where she was completely lethargic. Since we've returned I think she's only had two very mild episodes that where over within a few hours compared to a few days.
So much more to add to this... we've been doing a lot with her and just haven't had much time to write about it. We had a couple great appointments today actually that could offer us much more potential. Just know, Anya is doing better than ever. She has a long, long, long way to go but SHE WILL GET IT!! We really feel we are finally on the right track...
Saturday, July 12
July 12 All is good.....
I know it has been a really long time since I have last updated so I wanted to quick add an entry. Everything is going really well. Anya, Pete and I just got back from Arizona where we did a 2 week intensive therapy treatment that was very interesting. I will update later about the treatment but it went really well. We missed the boys like crazy but was nice to spend 2 weeks with just Anya, giving her our full attention:) She continues to vomit every couple days but at least we are able to get most of her feeds in.
We will update later about her treatment and new pictures but I wanted to let you all know she is doing fine!
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Sunday, June 22
June 22 Not a lot going on.....
couple days ( about 4 days in between) but the episodes are not as
severe as they had been. She actaully hasn't missed a full days
nutrition in a couple weeks. That has helped a lot with keeping her
weight at a steady 17.9 lbs. I think if the episodes continue like
this we may see some more weight gain, I'm optomisitic! Last week
saturaday her J-tube (goes into the small intestine) got out of place
and was pointed straight up her esophogus. So for the whole night her
tube was going straight up her throat, needless to say, she was
vomiting the whole time. We figured it out and took her to the ER and
it was put back in the correct location, she immediatly stopped
vomiting! Always something........ It's a miracle she didn't aspirate
and get pneumonia.
Anya is sick today but doing quite well. I think we may start food
later this evening. Anders is now camped out in the bathroom for the
night, he just woke up out of a sleep, vomiting all over. Ugh....... I
have seen enough vomit to last me a life time :) So, off to clean!
Sunday, June 8
6/6 First bike ride
6/8 Sick again
For our own records, also sick on..
Thursday, May 22nd starting 9pm lasting until Sunday, May 25th
Thursday, May 29th starting around 11am lasting until Sunday, June 1st
June 2nd, Quit EleCare and started Similac Organic
May 30 began 7.5ml (5mg) Periactin /day (tripling previous dosage)
Friday, June 6
See Birthday Party Pictures here...
p.s. Anya weighed in at 17lbs 2.8oz... Go chubalub!
Friday, May 23
Thursday, May 22
Happy Birthday to Anya!
Last week we found out Anya needed to have an echocardiogram done because an EKG came back with abnormal results. Needless to say we were very concerned. Well, yesterday we found out her heart is healthy and her EKG and Echocardiogram looked normal. Good job baby girl, that's a good test to pass:) We also found out that Anya is almost 17 lbs. That is great success. She has gained 1 pound in a week. (She hasn't gained a pound in 18 months so we are very happy).
All I can say today as we are celebrate her life is, Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Tuesday, May 20
5/20 Update
giggling. We started her on Zyrtec (per Dr. Mom's request) and it
really seems to have helped with her allergy symptoms. We're tried
other antihistamines in the past with out success but this one seems
to be helping.
As some of you know, we had some nerve racking news last week where
are new pediatrician thought she noticed cataract developing in both
of Anya's eyes. The good news is we have a very observant and
thorough pediatrician. The bad new is she was right. We went to a
pediatric ophthamologist today that confirmed it.
Here again there is good and bad news. The good news is that he does
not believe it is currently affecting her vision although we will find
out for sure next Tuesday when they do a PEV exam
( ). The bad
news it that the cataract is located in the worst possible spot,
center posterior. Being located here disrupts the vision the most.
If they get any larger or if we find out on Tuesday her vision is
impaired, she will likely require surgery.
Monday, May 12
Sick Again
Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger. IM anytime you're online.
Thursday, May 8
5/8 All is well
Full energy and ready to eat. Hopefully she'll sleep tonight.
5/8 spoke to soon
Wednesday, May 7
5/7: Another sick day;
Thursday, May 1
5/1 Sick day..
Saturday, April 26
4/26: Sick again..
Friday, April 11
4/11: Update
Thursday, April 10
Sorry for not updating sooner!
Anya is doing well. She still continues her 7 day cycles. So frustrating, we haven't gotten too far with her new doctors here in Madison but we are going to see a couple more in May. I keep holding out hope that someone can help us with this vomiting issue. Poor little peanut is just so skinny! The vomiting is def. the worst part of her illness for me to handle emotionally. I just feel so bad to see her little body retching, puking and lethargic. Well, I hope we can do little bit better with the updates in the next couple weeks. Thanks so much for the continued love and support.
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Wednesday, March 19
3/19 Update
Saturday, March 8
3/8: Seattle Doc went well
Monday, February 25
Feb. 25
Monday, February 18
2/18: Better now.
Friday, February 15
all day, everyday, through day into night. Our battles are lonely, confusing and trying, But we fight the good fight, and we know we can win, We hold our heads high and we live for today, Through good times and bad, we keep our futures in sight, Lauren |
The light runs away from me. Not alone, but lonely. However, a bleak light shines through, Sad, but hopeful, As long as there is something, I have hope. Lauren |
I Wait
By Dominic Gallardi
I know it's always there,
Waiting to strike;
I know you all care,
But, this is my fight.
I count down the days,
Wishing it not to come;
I feel the first faze,
But, know I know I can't run.
I hope for a cure,
To this ugly disorder;
Until then I pray,
Each occurrence will get shorter.
Thank you for listening,
To my feelings and fears,
Thank you for helping,
Dry the children's tears.
2/15 Sick again
Thursday, February 14
2/24 Happy V-day
Wednesday, February 6
Monday, February 4
Settled in.
3/4 pnuemonia again
Saturday, February 2
2/2: Still going..
Friday, February 1
2/1: Spoke to soon again
Thursday, January 31
1/31 Doing Great...
Friday, January 25
1/25 back in the ER...
1/25 Off to the Hospital
Thursday, January 24
1/24: Sick again
Wednesday, January 23
Sunday, January 20
Blog Archive
- 12/31 Happy New Year from the chamber...
- 12/30 update
- 12/28 Anya doing great..
- 12/22 Doing okay...
- 12/22 Sick again.
- 12/21 All is well.
- 12/20 surprise..
- She's Home!
- 12/20 At the ER
- 12/20 Still sick :(
- 12/20 Almost done..
- 12/19 Little pip-squeak still sick
- 12/19 Our little angel is sick again
- Anya is doing well.
- 12/9 Snow day
- 12/3 Baby-back..
- 12/3 That's enough...
- 12/1 My day at Nana's...
- 12/01 Anya's at Nana G's