Thursday, April 10

Sorry for not updating sooner!

I know we have been terrible at updating since the move. Not sure where the last couple weeks have gone! The boys are still not in preschool so much of our day involves entertaining! Still trying to get settled. We were actually suppose to be enjoying a family vacation in mexico this week but unfortunately we're still in Wisconsin. We made it to the airport and check in only to find out Pete's passport had expired!!! Needless to say we had a disappointed family, boy did we need that vacation:)
Anya is doing well. She still continues her 7 day cycles. So frustrating, we haven't gotten too far with her new doctors here in Madison but we are going to see a couple more in May. I keep holding out hope that someone can help us with this vomiting issue. Poor little peanut is just so skinny! The vomiting is def. the worst part of her illness for me to handle emotionally. I just feel so bad to see her little body retching, puking and lethargic. Well, I hope we can do little bit better with the updates in the next couple weeks. Thanks so much for the continued love and support.

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