Tuesday, February 10

2/10 Good shape for the shape she's in...

Anya is still doing okay this morning although she's still puking.  It's safe to say she's 'recovered' from surgery but now we're just dealing with her typical issues.  Katie and I stayed in the hospital with her last night while Nana and Papa G stayed home with the 3 boys.  I don't know that we will ever have both Katie and I stay here at the same time again. Anya didn't sleep much last night and, as the little plaque in her bedroom reads, "When the princess aint happy, aint no one happy".  Between the beeping monitors, Anya's puking and 'crying' (she doesn't actually cry but I don't know how else to describe her noises, wimpering perhaps) and Katie and I attempting to sleep on the little pull-out couch, and the nurses coming in every couple hours to check vitals, it made for a rough night.  Anya did great sleeping the last two times she was here but you just never know what your going to get with this crazy kid...  The funny thing is even the anesthesiologist (who was a very impressive doc, by the way) had a hard time getting her to sleep. She said she couldn't believe the dosage it took to finally knock her out.  I told you she was a fighter.
Regarding the surgery, the endoscopy did discover that her nissen my have herniated (a portion of the stomach may have slipped up between the esophagus and the diagram that separates the upper chest cavity from the thoracic cavity).  This is supposedly more common when kids get their nissen at such a young age (5 days old in Anya case) because the surgery creates a weak point at that junction.  In talking with the surgeon here about it, he said he would never give a nissen to a kid less than a year because of this and the fact that all babies reflux and most will just grow out of it... We keep hearing this story time and time again that a nissen at day-5 is just crazy.   So now we need to do an Upper GI to confirm the hernia.  If she does have a hernia it could explain some of her vomiting and definitely discomfort but not necessarily it's cyclic nature.  We would then need to have the nissen redone.
As far as the muscle and skin biopsies go, we don't expect to get results for about 2 months... 

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