Anya is still deep in her vomiting episode. She has been extremely lethargic all day long and just looks terrible tonight. She is still hand biting occasionally but it appears as though her bite is so weak that it doesn't even hurt her. We haven't felt yet that she'll be able to hold down any fluids yet so we haven't given any but pretty soon I just do it anyway and let her puke it up. Hopefully at least a little will stay down and get absorbed. I actually just gave her 10cc's of a new food supplement we've been adding to her formula in to her J-tube. It is a highly concentrated calorie supplement made by Nestle's medical food dept. I'm pretty sure it is actually just an overpriced blenderized Wopper from Burger King. Obviously fluids are the most important factor here but we've already tried rehydration (on several occations) to snap her out of these episodes to no prevail. Perhaps a shot of high cal formula will give her the energy she needs to pull through. (don't tell anyone :) but I even tried giving her a little Red Bull energy drink onetime last year. No apparent affect, perhaps she needed an espresso chaser next time)
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