Sunday, June 22

June 22 Not a lot going on.....

Anya is doing fairly well these days, she continues to vomit every
couple days ( about 4 days in between) but the episodes are not as
severe as they had been. She actaully hasn't missed a full days
nutrition in a couple weeks. That has helped a lot with keeping her
weight at a steady 17.9 lbs. I think if the episodes continue like
this we may see some more weight gain, I'm optomisitic! Last week
saturaday her J-tube (goes into the small intestine) got out of place
and was pointed straight up her esophogus. So for the whole night her
tube was going straight up her throat, needless to say, she was
vomiting the whole time. We figured it out and took her to the ER and
it was put back in the correct location, she immediatly stopped
vomiting! Always something........ It's a miracle she didn't aspirate
and get pneumonia.

Anya is sick today but doing quite well. I think we may start food
later this evening. Anders is now camped out in the bathroom for the
night, he just woke up out of a sleep, vomiting all over. Ugh....... I
have seen enough vomit to last me a life time :) So, off to clean!

Sunday, June 8

6/6 First bike ride

Anya was LOVING this!!!! It took a lot of trunk support but her head control was great and she grabbed and held the handlebars right away.

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6/8 Sick again

Little pumpkin is sick again. Started around 8:30 last night w/ zero warning.

For our own records, also sick on..
Thursday, May 22nd starting 9pm lasting until Sunday, May 25th
Thursday, May 29th starting around 11am lasting until Sunday, June 1st
June 2nd, Quit EleCare and started Similac Organic
May 30 began 7.5ml (5mg) Periactin /day (tripling previous dosage)

Friday, June 6