Hello all. Anya had her 1st EEG when she was about 2 weeks old. It was normal. Her 2nd, at around 2-1/2 months, showed very slow signalling w/ continuous spikes representing all her neurons firing at once. Although that did not mean she was having seizures, it did indicate she was at high risk to do so. Her 3rd EEG, at around 5 months, showed the sames spikes but the signaling was slightly faster (but still markedly slow). Which meant things were improving... Anya's had her 4th EEG done last week. In the 1/2-hour long procedure she had only 1 spike occur and the background signalling speed was "Normal". YEEE HAAAA!!! That's my girl!!!!! We are trying to schedule her MRI next.
This past week has been a really good one for Anya. Happier than ever and doing well with her playing and misc therapies. We made it a whole 12 days between vomiting cycles (she's sick again now, started yesterday). With her new J-tube she's been consistently getting near 1000calories/day (excluding yesterday and today). Although her sleep patterns have regressed, at least she is happy when she is up. For the past few weeks she's been waking at around 3am and just wants attention. Anything for the princes...
I remember writing about a year ago that she just needs DESIRE in order to thrive. Happy to say 'She now has it...' She desires attention. She desires play. She's got the desire we prayed for. She going to do it....