Thursday, June 21

6/21 Wonderful day!!!

Anya had a great day today.  Nothing special to speak of.  Just a good & happy day.
She had her annual assessment with Imagine! today.  They provide us with all of Anya's therapy services (  They have been absolutely wonderful through this whole process.  I can't imagine doing this without their assistance/guidance.  We have been very fortunate to be set up with such wonderful, caring, knowledgeable people.  During the meeting Anya sat in Katie's lap and just smiled from ear to ear.  Yes, she's given smiles before but these were long-lasting, beautiful, pure happiness smiles.  It's like she just knew everyone in that room was there for her, to help her, to love her.  She feels it.
It seemed then for the rest of the day she was just extraordinarily happy.  Katie is up in bed with her now playing with her toys together and you can just tell she is totally grasping the concept of happiness.  I've always felt in order for her to make progress she needs to have desire, some driving force to learn and expand her mind.  After seeing her today I think she's found it; the simple desire to be happy. I think that will take her a long way. 

Monday, June 18

6/18 Getting better.

Anya seems to be doing better this morning.  She continued to vomit throughout the day yesterday which finally subsided around 8 last night.  We started to feed her a formula/pedialite mix around 10 and she kept everything down through the night.  Hopefully now she can just catch-up on her sleep and recover.   Thanks for your prayers everyone...

Saturday, June 16

6/16. Rough 24hrs...

Anya's had a rough past 24 hours.  She been very sick and vomiting all day starting late last night.  We've only had her taking pedialite and Gatorade all day and she is having a hard time keeping it down.  Typical wiped-out and lethargic with no warning signs of getting sick.  We'll see how she does tonight and perhaps take her in for IV fluids tomorrow. 
I will say it's nice to have to refer to her journel entries to see when she got sick last.  Last time was May 12th so it's been over a month which we're very happy about. 

Friday, June 8

6/8 Anya's still doing great!

Nothing really new to report but Anya has been doing really well lately. We
got a few more giggles out of her the other night again. Her vision
therapist visited on Monday and has noticed much improvement overall. She
still recommends revisiting the ophthalmologist to see if a vision issue may
be why she so strongly prefers looking to her right. Her tracking has
improved as well. She can now easily track lights in a dark room and is now
fairly consistently tracking objects. She was lying in the center of our bed
the other night and watched me (dad) walk from one side to the other,
turning her head completely from her right, down past her feet and to her
left. Every week is a baby step in the right direction. Tonight as we did
her dark-room therapy I held her wrist up and shined a small flashlight on
her hand and she watch her fingers wiggle so intently. Although the
wiggling fingers were result of her movement disorder, you just knew from
the look in her eyes that she was getting the feedback that she has control.

She has also been grabbing her feet a lot lately which started slowly about
3 weeks ago. And finally one of my favorite things, she slept in past 6
twice this week! Hopefully breaking her 4am cycle.

Go Anya, go!!